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Request A Free Comprehensive Pest Inspection

Your inspection includes walking the perimeter of the exterior; looking for pest activity, damage and preforming a risk assessment. Along with our detection and monitoring experience, we will identify the origination of the activity, point of entry and type of species we will need to eliminate.

The interior portion of your inspection is bit more in depth; we will again be visually looking for signs of pest activity including: any evidence of wings, pest or rodent droppings live or dead species, soft or split wood, water damage, foundation cracking and moisture. We will visually inspect The Kitchen: including cabinets, pantry, food storage and cooking areas; The Bedrooms; including closets, storage lockers and hope chest/linen storage; The Bathrooms; the drains, interior pipes behind toilet and under sinks; inside cabinetry, linen and storage areas; attic and crawlspace if accessible or warranted. If our detection process shows any conditions that are now causing or could cause future infestation, damage or any heath related risks; you will receive written proposal addressing your specific pest control needs with an efficient proactive solution that will be provided to you once your inspection is completed. Including information about our “Ounce of Prevention” service and we will explain our No Nonsense Approach and the costs for your efficient proactive solution that will be provided.

If you suspect termites in your home or business, not to worry; inspecting for signs of termite activity, infestation or damage id included with our free comprehensive pest inspection. However there is an addition charge for a *Termite Inspection Report-(a requirement for a closing or homeowner insurance condition)

If you are buying or selling a home; some banks, mortgage lenders or homeowners insurance companies often require a Wood Destroying Organism Inspection Report (WDO’s) or Termite Clearance letter that indicates the structure has been inspected by a licensed pest professional. Generally this report is valid for at least thirty (30) days. Most lenders require the clearance letter be issued within thirty (30) days of closing. Please request an appointment for this service.* Additional charges will apply.

Step 1

We Listen

One on One Consultation / The Foundation

Your Free Comprehensive Pest Inspection starts with a visit from none other than: the Owner of PesTenders- Licensed Certified Pest Control Operator, Todd Cronin.


Todd will begin by discussing all your pest control needs, he will ask about any of your concerns first; then he will ask about any health-related issues that may be a concern;  and will disscuss and identify any  potential treatment options that may affect you, your children or pets.


Todd will carefully Listen to everything you have to say so that he can learn more about you, the condition of your home and all your expectations.

The information you provide will assist in establishing the types of treatment services required and the foundation on which we will build a pest free, safe, healthy environment.

Step 2

We Inspect

Detection & Monitoring

Next will be an extensive inspection of the inside and outside of the property. With visual detection of the physical areas Todd will identify most pest issues to be addressed and the treatments to be performed.


If you suspect termites in your home or business, not to worry; inspecting for signs of termite activity, infestation or damage is included with our free comprehensive pest inspection.


***  WDO REPORT  ***

A Termite Inspection Report-(known as a WDO Report) is normally a requirement or closing condition for homeowner insurance. If you are buying or selling a home; some banks, mortgage lenders or homeowners insurance companies often require a Wood Destroying Organism Inspection Report (WDO) or Termite Clearance letter that indicates that your home has been inspected by a licensed pest professional. Generally this report is valid for at least thirty (30) days. Most lenders require the clearance letter be issued within thirty (30) days of closing. **Please request an appointment for this service.** Additional charges will apply.

Step 3

We Identify

Treatment and Prevention

Your comprehensive inspection will allow us to identify the issues affecting you and your property, this may be a singular issue for example; let’s say just ants or we might find that you have multiple pest issues.

In either case all the information obtained from your inspection will be utilized to develope our best most effective and preventative treatment plan for you. We will discuss all the available options with you once the inspection is completed.





Once the inspection is complete, Todd will discuss a solution to begin “tending to your pest control needs” and be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.  



Next he will review all his findings from your inspection and all the effective recommended solutions that will provide the best treatment and prevention program for your pest control needs.



Upon your acceptance, Todd will "Welcome you as a member of our family.”



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