

Termites can be costly and are the last thing a homeowner wants living with them in their home. This house guest will create stress in monumental proportions and cause a significant amount of damage if not discovered or is left untreated. This species dates back to the dark ages just like a cockroach. There are quite a few different types of termites; three types come to mind, the damp wood, dry wood and subterranean. Once again our climate plays a part in the attraction to your home, termites like the subterranean and others are common throughout the United States and here in south Florida; if you suspect termites in your home or business, contact a Licensed Pest Control Company for further inspection. Detection and treatment are of utmost importance when it comes to this highly destructive pest.

We offer Basic Termite inspection with our free comprehensive pest inspection.  However there is an addition charge for a *Termite Inspection Report-(a requirement for a closing or homeowner insurance condition)

If you are buying or selling a home; some banks, mortgage lenders or insurance companies often require a Wood Destroying Organism Inspection Report (WDO’s) or Termite Clearance letter that indicates your home has been inspected by a licensed pest professional. This report is valid for at least thirty (30) days. Most lenders require a report or clearance letter be issued within thirty (30) days of closing.  Please request an appointment for this service.* Additional charges will apply.

If you do find signs of termites in your home or business,

We will promptly inspect to identify the type of species and recommend a course of treatment.

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